Invest in anecdotes, they always grow!
Bringing together a community of people that know each other to share a new experience, in a new context, is a great way to have happy and motivated workers.
We believe nothing builds better bonds than sharing adventures with someone, spontaneously, naturally, slowly. Without obligations or a minute to minute fixed program. With flexibility and time to spare.
No Stress Team Building is all about ending the experience with a great feeling of belonging, of being ‘at home’. We don’t organize an assault course for the body and mind, but a fun, sporty, social day out to send everyone back home tired, proud and happy. Because that’s what matters.
Team building for Sporty People IS….
- Making everyone be the best version of themselves, as individuals and in a group.
- Letting each person decide how much they like to participate, without making them feel uncomfortable about it
- Sharing, helping each other
- Feeling needed, loved and part of the group
- Getting to know someone new, or talk to that person you never get the chance to
- Learning a new skill, achieving a personal goal
- Laughing out loud at the million anecdotes that occur…
Team building for Sporty People is NOT….
- About competing
- About showing off or proving anything
- About forced participation or constant games.
- About trying too hard to make people mingle, work together, or participate